Introducing the first Funded Proposal System in ASIA, what the heck is that going to help my MLM? And why should I be using that anyway? That only works in some countries but not applicable in the PHILIPPINES. These are the common questions that you can hear to people who doesn’t have enough idea about online marketing and really don’t know the benefits that can help them to build a profitable Network Marketing Business.
If you’re a network marketer and have no clue what a funded proposal is, then you definitely need to read this article, because chances are you’re struggling in your mlm business. Why too many fail in this industry because they don’t follow this simple strategy. In this article, I’ll explain what a funded proposal is and why its the only way to have a successful mlm business regardless of what company you’re in.
Typical NETWORKER does that leads to failure
A lot of network marketers join and start contacting their near and dear ones asking them to join their business. It’s a very well known fact that there are operational costs for promoting a network marketing business. The idea is to recruit people and build a team which in turn will generate profits.
Wasting Money – Since people spend a lot of money to promote their business, they are in a certain kind of pressure to recruit. A very few people are able to turn a profit in a short period of time while most struggle to do so. This results in rejection which leads to people ultimately quitting this industry.
Hunting down Family and Friends - The major problems with this aside from the fact that it’s the wrong move is that most times your family and friends are completely uninterested. They don’t believe in the concept of network marketing and are perfectly content running in the rat race.
Spam Social Media Sites - Many networkers get on sites like Facebook or Twitter and start spamming their links to their replicated sites. Tagging their friends to pictures as “online product flyers” showing the benefits of their products. They pitch their business more than a major league pitcher in the World Series. They say things like my company has made “xyz” million or we have the best company/product or join this ground floor opportunity. This screams amateur and you are turning people off big time, not to mention risking your accounts being banned.
None of these things will work for you in the long run and they are responsible for the 97% failure rate in network marketing. The top earners in network marketing all use Funded Proposal System.
Definition of a Funded Proposal System
The funded proposal is simply the process of selling an inexpensive, but useful product on the front end (before you pitch your main business) to cover the cost of advertising expenses, and then back-ending the real product or opportunity (your primary business).
In a funded proposal, you first must have an offer that solves a problem for your market. In network marketing, there are many struggling, frustrated marketers out there. What can you offer them to help build their business? Your funded proposal must offer them an inexpensive solution to solve their problems. Most people will pay P1,500 to build their business quicker than they will shell out P7,666 to join your business.
Funded Proposal System will help you in the following ways:
1. It produces immediate cash flow which results in offsetting your marketing costs and creates profit. In short you make immediate income.
2. You build a list of highly targeted and qualified network marketers who are indicating that they want what you have to offer. It sorts your prospects so that you work with only the serious ones.
3. Plus, it works on auto-pilot, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
4. It removes a considerable amount of pressure as you are breaking even and making a profit.
By the way Network marketers, are your greatest lead source because they already believe in the business model, so you don’t have to persuade or convince them.
The Benefits of A Funded Proposal System in your MLM
I am just going to give you a few brief points here to show you WHY you should begin your network marketing with a funded proposal…
- A low cost information product (like YourDreamsForFree) will give you instant cash for you to fund your other advertising
- People who purchase an inexpensive product from you actually become warmer leads
- Warm leads are easier to sell into your primary opportunity than cold leads
- You have begun to build a trust relationship with them
- You position yourself as a leader that can help them solve their problems
- You are offering a solution to their problem which is MORE attractive to them than another MLM business opportunity
- This same process can be used by your team members which accelerates the growth of your team
- This is what the top 1% income earners do to attract leads to them
- It’s much easier to make P7000 selling an inexpensive info product that helps other people than it is to make P7000 sponsoring a new person into your business opportunity
And there are many more benefits. If anyone is going to join your business, they must know you, like you and trust you.
Is this going to work in the Philippines?
Absolutely, its already proven that works on several countries like USA, EUROPE, CANADA where networking are rampant.
First of all, it’s based around the concept of the funded proposal made popular by Mike Dillard, but pioneered by Dan Kennedy (the millionaire maker). Who makes millions of dollars in the MLM industry by using this simple strategy and not only earned on his primary business as well in his Funded Proposal System. Until later on enhanced and developed by the students of Mike Dillard who created these popular Funded Proposal System:
- MyLeadSystemPro
- The 7 Figure Networker System
- CarbonCopyPro
- The Unified Tribe
- YourProspex
- PriorityTeam
and many more…
There are many Filipino neworkers who already earned a substantial income upfront using these popular Funded Proposal System listed above, however the YOUR DREAMS FOR FREE was adopted under distribution rights specifically made to fit the needs of Filipinos who are new to the system.
To help struggling Filipino networkers who want to earn in MLM using online strategy and want to solve the greatest issues floating in the industry.
Take Action, Fuel Your MLM with a Funded Proposal System
Using a funded proposal to offer solutions on the front end to help other marketers puts you in a position to do exactly that. Not only are you building your list of qualified prospects who’ll possibly join your mlm business, but you’re also making money (funding your business) which will help you stay afloat.
There’s so much to funded proposal than we already know. Every good principle and concept eventually evolves..and thus its effectiveness and difficulty multiplies by a great percentage. There are marketers nowadays who have multiple back end incomes, and they use surprisingly cheap information packages to fuel a long chain of sales. My point is, we should constantly be aware of what’s happening in the industry and continue adding to what we already know.
The funded proposal is the best way for you to begin to generate income that funds more advertising and brands you as a leader. Simply… if you are SERIOUS about your online business then you must be using the funded proposal to begin your marketing efforts.
Hold On, What is the first ever newly launch Funded Proposal System in the Philippines?
Introducing Your Dreams For Free! It’s a proven system that is designed for network marketers. What Your Dreams For Free will do is this, you actually sell them a system with a recurring commission. This means that you could earn considerably more than just the once off commission you earn. Plus this system has training for your new people as well as upsells. It’s a brilliant system for you to use. Visit this banner here for more info about Your Dreams For Free.
So that’s how I am using the Funded Proposal system to attract leads to me completely on autopilot and get paid upfront commissions before anyone joins me in my MLM businesses.
Is it working for me? Absolutely, and I use BOTH of these systems right now, and so can you.
Go and get yourself YOUR DREAMS FOR FREE Funded Proposal System, and get your leads and upfront cash started today. If you have any question feel free to reach me. For more info on how it works. CLICK HERE
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