Thursday, October 6, 2011

Discover the Facts you DON'T KNOW about Network Marketing

On this blog, you will encounter great lessons that that I have learned from great mentors. However, like a cup being poured with water, the amount of water that can be poured depends on the amount it can emptied up. No new learning will be added if the cup is full, so with the mind. First thing is, I would request you to empty your cup, so that new learning will come in.



This may sound queer to you but this is really what network marketing is. The reason why many people got so many rejections in doing this business is that they try to figure it out that all people that may come on their way are their prospects.

Not everybody is your prospect. There are people who hold great positions in the government or in companies and have lucrative salaries. There are also some who are already contented with their lives, and no amount of motivation can open their hearts and minds because they are already contented about their lives. And there are also people even in their dire situations don't even dare to make any difference. These people will not make a good prospect. Do not spend a lot of your time with them. Always remember that some will listen, some will not, so what? Next, someone's is waiting.

One of the reasons why people fail in Network Marketing is that they spend most of their time on the wrong prospect. So study people. Listen to them, learn from them, know their dreams and their aspirations and how your business opportunity can change their lives. In this way, you are placing yourself at the door of success, you will never be rejected because your prospects see you as a mentor, an expert who can change the direction of their lives.

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